
          	Brassius and Hassel sitting on a tree 
          	K I S S I N G
          	Yes, you in fact read that right I'll be going at it writing a story about Hassius, Brassel and all the other name this ship goes by. - It won't be playing in the canon Pokémon universe though, instead it'll be an AU in wich Brassius is a vampire living in a mansion in the woods. They're both sti artists though, in fact the art will be what gets them together...
          	A vampire dreaming to see the colours of the world in the sunlight and a man who ran away to persuade his dreams of becoming an artist. Will the colours on the canvas mix or will it all end in dramatic tones of grey and red?
          	I dunno, I suppose you have to wait for the story for that :9
          	Aldo another notable part here is that it might take a while since I'll be drawing the cover myself, as well as making character sheets of the two in this universe.
          	I hope these news bring you joy, 
          	Read you sooner or later 
          	- Mono


          Brassius and Hassel sitting on a tree 
          K I S S I N G
          Yes, you in fact read that right I'll be going at it writing a story about Hassius, Brassel and all the other name this ship goes by. - It won't be playing in the canon Pokémon universe though, instead it'll be an AU in wich Brassius is a vampire living in a mansion in the woods. They're both sti artists though, in fact the art will be what gets them together...
          A vampire dreaming to see the colours of the world in the sunlight and a man who ran away to persuade his dreams of becoming an artist. Will the colours on the canvas mix or will it all end in dramatic tones of grey and red?
          I dunno, I suppose you have to wait for the story for that :9
          Aldo another notable part here is that it might take a while since I'll be drawing the cover myself, as well as making character sheets of the two in this universe.
          I hope these news bring you joy, 
          Read you sooner or later 
          - Mono


Hello my fellow followers ️️
          It sure has been some time since I let anyone know of my existence on this platform, but don't worry I made it in to 2023!!!
          So nappy yew hears you guys 
          - Anyways, I gotta get some silly stuff considering my stories out there, I probably won't continue my Wizard 101 fic. I'm not saying I will give up completely, but also not saying I'll definitely continue. So please don't be too upset if it just sits there rotting on my account...
          The second thing is that I want to start uploading my shenanigans on AO3 now, well if it works regularly again in Europe ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
          Now to the big big announcement :⁠-⁠)
          I'm starting a Pokémon fanficton, because I practically was born with Pokémon cards in my hands :p
          - This one will get a separate announcement so if you're interested be on the look 4 that 


Hello my dear people, who happen to be interested in my strange assortments of letters, that create words that create chapters of weird fanficton!!!(๑♡⌓♡๑)
          I'm planning an actual Fanficton, not just something (wich I honestly also love) about a friend's OC being in love with mine. - It'll be a Wizard 101 Fanficton, because I really love to make unhinged nonesense. Getting gay to the point, it's a Dorian Trübsee X Arthur Greifenritt fic. (Idk their English names) I just think it fits, because two dudes who are only vaguely connected story wise and stand next to each other in some gloomy ass town makes a funny story!
          That's it Y'all, nothing more and nothing less (~ ̄³ ̄)~


Should I write a new book about my Demon Slayer OCs? 
          (Yes, I deleted the one I did because I didn't like it - )
          I could maybe write more about Hiroku, since she us my oldest OC and hast almost no information to her back story .
          - I probably won't write real fan fiction because I perfer writing something to Original Characters. 


Hello my dear Followers -
          I was a lot on amino lately and working a lot on demon slayer OCs; so I didn't write anything here -
          If you want to know more about my demon slayer OCs please tell me ^w^
          Ich would love to write something obout them here!
          Hallo meine lieben Follower!
          Ich war in letzter Zeit sehr oft auf amino und habe an meinen Demon Sakyer OCs gearbeitet; deswegen habe ich nichts geschrieben.
          Wenn ihr mehr über sie wissen wollt sagt mir bitte in den Kommentaren Bescheid!  ^w^
          (Es wird auch spezielle Informationen geben die ihr nur hier findet und nicht auf amino)