
/ he’s got two forms , well technically one other form and it happens well he completely lets the dragon demon take over his body , and starts to look more demon like almost like an oni in a way .  but in his form he isn’t as aware and is nonverbal , almost feral in nature — so for kiyoshi this is more so a last stitch effort in order to destroy his target .  but sometimes it can just happen although rarely , he doesn’t have the greatest control on it .


/ also the curse he got from said dragon demon is also slowly k1ll1ng him , every now and then he’ll cough up blood— gets really dizzy too .  sometimes will even faint , will constantly brush off that ‘it’s fine’ but it’s quite the opposite . 


       state  your purpose  and why you're  following  me  .. were you paid or something to come  after  me  ? 


     eyes would  scan the other man for a minute , keeping the blade pointed at him . oh , did it itch for blood . ``  i hold no doubts to you words  , but  you could be saying that now, and once I turn away  , you might strike  .  `` suspension still in his  tone  . trust wasn't easy to come nowadays . 


            “ could always be going the same way .  though you can never be to careful  ,  there’s always enemies lurking where you least expect them .  and thing is ?  if you WERE my target—  you wouldn’t still be talking by now .  ”


     ``  you been following since the last city .. that seems rather  suspicious on your part  , don't you think  ? `` 


/ he’s got two forms , well technically one other form and it happens well he completely lets the dragon demon take over his body , and starts to look more demon like almost like an oni in a way .  but in his form he isn’t as aware and is nonverbal , almost feral in nature — so for kiyoshi this is more so a last stitch effort in order to destroy his target .  but sometimes it can just happen although rarely , he doesn’t have the greatest control on it .


/ also the curse he got from said dragon demon is also slowly k1ll1ng him , every now and then he’ll cough up blood— gets really dizzy too .  sometimes will even faint , will constantly brush off that ‘it’s fine’ but it’s quite the opposite . 


/ not a big fan of this theme but it’ll do for now .