
Hello!I hope you are all doing well. Personally, my summer has been too hot to even enjoy the outdoors.
          	I came to apologize for my disappearance. I wrote koi no yokan as a passion project and a place to express my thoughts. I had no plans for it to be as successful as it is now. I am very grateful for the praise, likes, and new friends I have made along the way. Nonetheless, you all have inspired me to continue writing as much as I can.
          	Until then, koi no yokan is still unfinished. I have drafts open for at least three more chapters. Updating is unknown, but I guarantee it won't take three years for one chapter again.
          	I'm so thankful and lucky to be in such a lovely community of readers. I love you all. 
          	Have a good and safe day!


Also, I began writing this when the Demon Slayer anime only showcased one season. Any of my chapters after the Mount Natagumo or First Rehabilitation Arc are based on the manga and will not be rewritten to follow the anime.


Hello!I hope you are all doing well. Personally, my summer has been too hot to even enjoy the outdoors.
          I came to apologize for my disappearance. I wrote koi no yokan as a passion project and a place to express my thoughts. I had no plans for it to be as successful as it is now. I am very grateful for the praise, likes, and new friends I have made along the way. Nonetheless, you all have inspired me to continue writing as much as I can.
          Until then, koi no yokan is still unfinished. I have drafts open for at least three more chapters. Updating is unknown, but I guarantee it won't take three years for one chapter again.
          I'm so thankful and lucky to be in such a lovely community of readers. I love you all. 
          Have a good and safe day!


Also, I began writing this when the Demon Slayer anime only showcased one season. Any of my chapters after the Mount Natagumo or First Rehabilitation Arc are based on the manga and will not be rewritten to follow the anime.


Yes, I did change the cover for koi no yokan! I hope this doesn’t cause any confusion and I hope you enjoy it! Fanart credit for the cover is drawn by @Youshima5 (account can be found on Twitter and Prixiv).
          Let me know if I need to change the cover based on copyright and ownership status of the fanart.
          Have a good and safe day!




@cursed0 YOURE SO SWEET!! TYY <333


            Thank you so much! <<33
            I really appreciate the love you have for my story! If you have any scenario requests feel free to ask me! Have a safe and nice rest of your day! <<33


koi no yokan is currently undergoing HEAVY construction. I won't be changing the plot, only going to be rephrasing some chapters, adding some details, and  fixing grammar or plot mistakes.
          I only wanted to announce this so the spam won't seem unreasonable.
          Another reminder that my inbox/conversations is open for scenario requests!
          Have a nice and safe day! :)