
Might rewrite old world machines soon
          	Some of the earlier chapters don't make much sense 
          	Let me know your thoughts?


Yes I finally tracked you down why did you take down old world machines?


@YulSterni I will be talking with them in the next few days what the plans are for the story it will still be coming out eventually but for the time being live is busy for us


@YulSterni sorry been very unwell and the owner of the account is still working 


Hi just dropping by. Anyhoo how've you been?


@customzootopia Not too bad myself tho i am currently in the midst of an exam


@ZuluIbnuAlTelor not bad tbh just busy irl lol how have you been? sorry for the delayed reply  


          At the moment I am currently working on an update for old world machines but it will take a bit longer 
          Why you ask?
          Funny story 
          So yesterday I was having a laugh my my mum
          She was complaining about their being no butter in the fridge to go in her bacon sandwich 
          So to take the piss outa her I grabbed a bundle of staples to mimic the sound of her sandwiche
          And well it was sharper than I thought 
          You get the idea 
          A few fingers are rapped up in bandages 
          Sometimes I wish I was right handed and left handed 
          But I'll still do my best to get this next chapter out by the end of the week 


@customzootopia the russian soldier remake is coming out tomorrow


Good news
          Over the last few weeks word got around in my family about my weird mental health problem 
          Turns out on my mums side my uncle had the problem
          Panicking randomly 
          Loss of time
          Head rushing feeling 
          Sinking sensations
          Turns out it he had a chemical reaction to nicotine   only to large amounts of it in a short amount of time
          I forgot to post that
          Turns out I was right 
          If your wondering yes I smoke
          I Can't really blame anyone except myself I used to smoke cigarettes and switched to vapes called ELUX at first I thought it was a better way to keep myself calm but then the head thing started and I switched to something with a lot less nicotine in it
          But for the moment I guess my brian is just getting used to being 'normal' everything still feels  weird at times but it's a lot more bearable now
          I'm gonna try can come back more often to update the storys.............Don't smoke kids
          also happy new year 


Unfortunate news
          The last few months I've been having an unknown mental problem that makes me go very dizzy and feel sick to the point I feel like I could fall over 
          It's difficult to read sometimes and right now i am trying my hardest to focus as I type this
          I and currently trying to get medical help soon to sort this issue out so that I can hopefully get these story's back on track 
          But living in the UK medical help takes some time to get 
          For now I'll be waiting in the shadows till my return and I'll be around time to time to check up on here hopefully 
          Till we meet again wattped
           soon I hope
          - temp/gaming_welsh 


@customzootopia I hope you get well better soon! We are waiting for you!