Okay so i just finished exams, which means that i will be posting a lot more in the nearest future. I have to tell you that i am in fact working on something that will be out very soon.
Also i wan't to thank you people in general. I know that we aren't a lot, but im grateful for the ones that week after week reads my fanfiction. As said i will have something different out for you guys soon.
Now, i also have to ask for a favor. It's not much, but then again for me it would mean a lot. I think that i can assume that all of you who are reading my fanfinction are in the Larry Stylinson fandom, and im sure that you know someone around you that are too. So please. Mention my fanfic, if you think it's worth it. It might be a little pathetic, but i think we all can see that my fic needs attention, it craves it just as much as Zayn loves minions.
It would mean the world to me, to see this story emerge, and it's a big dream, but dream is all i can do. For now.
That's all!