Hello great hooman author! I have come with ideas! Now what kind of ideas are you looking for? Cutesy? Angst? Dramatic? Horror? I have ideas for all! And different kinds of each. Realistic, historical, fantasy, steampunk, etc! I really hope you like some of my ideas.
Uhh sorry. I don’t care enough. You must suffer because I had a stroke of IDEAS! 1. Stempunk style. Just. STEMPUNK!! 2. (This one is a bit naughty so you don’t to read this one) Izuku is a “special” dancer at a club who seduces people and then steals their money. Shoto is a officer who was tasked with getting evidence to figure out what Izuku has been doing. 3. COTTAGE COOORRREEEEE! 4. Fnaf? I like fnaf 5. Idk why this one was cool in my head. Basically Izuku is the god of connection (not WiFi lol. I mean if connections between people. Basically he helps protect the mortals by making sure they are able to connect with each other through interests to make friendships, attraction to make love, and safety to make family). Shoto on the other hand is the opposite kind of god. Basically making sure that certain people stay away from others. The two had never met before though and when they do, it’s a interesting experience because Izuku wants to build a connection while shoto fears he might accidentally push him away with his powers.