
a new story on the way guys. i’m really sorry about the gnf story, i hate to say it by i don’t really have ideas for it anymore. :( 


          	  can someone write a story like this idc who just pLEASE


@cutegorl9090  here's an idea : George finally is out of the hospital and moved out with y/n and sap nap to Mexico where his friend Alex quackity was there they were hanging out a lot . Alex George saunas and other streamed and quackity got 1000 donation from dream to kill George quackity hated to do it but he was gonna do it the next day they gone to a coffee shop with y/n George saunas and quackity after leaving the coffee shop quackity drives them to an old road who it wasn't used anymore.quackity quickly pulled out his aka 47 (aka his gun) and shooted sapnap because he couldn't do it to george.then he runs to his car and left sapnap y/n and George in the middle of nowhere george called the ambulance and they got him to the hospital a few months later he was OK and George organized a wedding after the wedding George and y/n started making out  until dream sneaked out of an opened window that y/n lefted . George and y/n was sleeping dream came in and killed George for good then he got y/n and they never had seen again after that .  The end :D


a new story on the way guys. i’m really sorry about the gnf story, i hate to say it by i don’t really have ideas for it anymore. :( 


            can someone write a story like this idc who just pLEASE


@cutegorl9090  here's an idea : George finally is out of the hospital and moved out with y/n and sap nap to Mexico where his friend Alex quackity was there they were hanging out a lot . Alex George saunas and other streamed and quackity got 1000 donation from dream to kill George quackity hated to do it but he was gonna do it the next day they gone to a coffee shop with y/n George saunas and quackity after leaving the coffee shop quackity drives them to an old road who it wasn't used anymore.quackity quickly pulled out his aka 47 (aka his gun) and shooted sapnap because he couldn't do it to george.then he runs to his car and left sapnap y/n and George in the middle of nowhere george called the ambulance and they got him to the hospital a few months later he was OK and George organized a wedding after the wedding George and y/n started making out  until dream sneaked out of an opened window that y/n lefted . George and y/n was sleeping dream came in and killed George for good then he got y/n and they never had seen again after that .  The end :D