
Hi! Thanks for the followback! I hope you enjoy my stories. When you read them please vote and comment. I want to hear what you honestly think. I’ll do the same for you. :)


@EmmaIsaac thank yooh for the follow, sweetness!! Also, I'll def read your stories soon and leave feedback!! Tysm for the love and support. Xo 


Hi so here I am leaving my alien naming tips on your page. So tip number one is how I named Z it's the obvious think of a letter that isn't used in most words. Take Q for example it's one of those kinda cool sounding letters ( also fun fact my first choice for Z). Tip two is to think up a sound and base it off that ( which I've done for the aliens in futures chapters...uh oh did I just say that). Tip three is what I did for Kai's name which is like tip one extended. Essentially pick a letter and add some stuff to it, like a sound or just other letters that make sense together. I hope that helps with the naming of the alien! Feel free to ask any others questions I love helping out... especially when the story is as good as yours! Anyway love you Mikey out


@MikeyStucchi * hands you tissue * ( stupidly unnessary amount of hearts inserted here )


@MikeyStucchi I have allergies I swear these tears are here because I'm out of Benadryl right now..... *quick ugly sniffle*... *virtual hugs and green tea lattes forever my friend*! (insert numerous alien faces and hearts sorted in annoying patterns) 


@MikeyStucchi girl of course I love helping and I truly believe on this story after only reading the first chapter and I have a feeling it's only gonna get better from there! I'm honored that your letting me share my process with you! If you ever need help or just some simple words of encouragement feel free to hit me up!


THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! The covers look absolutely spectacular in every way!!! I can't even explain to you how much I love them I'm gonna print them out and hang them all over my house! Feel free to take a swing at any other art you feel like doing anyway love you!!! Thank you


@MikeyStucchi Luvyooh z'much!! < 3


@MikeyStucchi roflmfao u r trooly zee bezt of all zee fuggin hoomanz fir reelz 


Hey you have been so amazing for all your support on my story I was wondering if I could dedicate my next chapter to you would you be cool with that?


@MikeyStucchi Ohmygosh I literally came on here tonight just to catch up on your story (since I've been absent from Wattpad for a bit due to lots of craziness going on in personal life, *sigh*), so seeing this sweet post from you absolutely made my day! You are just so sweet!! Of course you can dedicate the next chapter to me - I'd be honored, dearie!! In the meantime I will see what my Z has been up to! (; xo


Thank you so much for following and adding my book dear :)


@cutespaceship t mean a lot dear ❤ you made my day :) 


@kharoshka21 Of course, dearie!  I love your book and look forward to reading more of your writing!! 