
this message may be offensive
i want to write again but i srsly feel so unmotivated what the fuck lol


long time no see hunnies ! dunno if i should continue 2 write anymore on here n id love to hear ur thoughts,, so should i continue to write for "bruises" or is the fandom dead ? 


@CreatureFeature ur so right omg ! ty for ur support !!! ly always xo


@rampnt im still here sis, plus think of the pick up your book will get when pt 2 comes out and everybody comes running back to the fandom


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also,, the fact that im dead on here for a literal half a year n u guys fav my shit right after i write it??? i feel so loved by yall n its actually amazing since im scummy lol luvluvluv u forever n ever xoxo


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also,, i'm nearly at 100 followers which is bat shit cRAZY seeing as my writings are complete rubbish lmao. every day i'm learning and growing with my work and i hope you all can see that + grow with me as a reader. it makes my life seem all the more purposeful when 87 REAL PEOPLE AND 3k+ MORE ACTUALLY READ WHAT I HAVE CREATED. dude ????? like !!!!!! iNSANE ok o k rant over my point actually is i love each and every one of you so dearly,, thank you for the endless support n love n kindness YOU'RE WONDERFUL !!!!!!!!!!