
Hey Guys! Sorry about that error, I accidentally published the story part I'd been writing waaay too early, but I don't think many people saw a sneak of it anyway so it should be Ok?
          	Should be publishing from the correct work very soon! Stay tuned!


Currently writing the sequel to The Last of the Hme'ylilar so there may be some time before the next chapter release- got a bit of writer's block on the first book and starting the second was a bit of a release from that- I managed to write two really good chapters so I'm glad I did it! Look forward to publishing something new very soon!


Useful Info for 'The Last of the Hme'ylilar' 
          Pronunciations #1
          Hme'ylilar~ "Ham-el-el-arr"
          Abya~ "Aab-ya" (Father)
          Amma~ "AO-mma" (Mother)
          Yanthor~ "Yan- Tour" 
          Anya~ "O-nya"
          Khatahs~ "Cat-ash" (Anya's father)
          Cabah~ "Ka-ba" (Anya's mother)
          Atrokahs~ "Atro-cash" (Sister)
          Melrocahs~ "Mel-row-cash" (Brother)
          Khotorhsa~ "Ko-torr-sha" (The bead)