
          	My old story that got deleted is finally back! 
          	Sex Academy!
          	Go check it out! 


I have your old sex academy book in my library I can send it if you want


I hope you release it soon cause I really like it


Hey sorry for the late reply I hope your doing okay


That’s okay I’m slowly releasing it again. But thank you so much 


Omg I love so much sex academy I wanted back so bad 
          It's a shame it got deleted 
          Please tell me you had a copy of it 


I could send u screenshot of it if u want


I know so did I! But no I was stupid enough to not make a copy and there’s no way I can remember everything. Maybe I’ll make a new one soon? Over Christmas? 


I think I have an idea what happened (this is pasted from Wattpad's content guidelines):Prohibited Content
          The following guidelines list content that is not allowed on Wattpad. This is not an exhaustive list, and we reserve the right to remove any content that we deem inappropriate.
          Sex on Wattpad
          The following sexual content is not allowed on Wattpad, and will be removed:
              Pornographic stories
              Stories containing sexual content with persons under the age of 16
              or that are in violation of Canadian law
              Stories encouraging or promoting non-consensual sex
              Stories intended solely for sexual roleplay or messaging
              Stories which encourage any other illegal sex acts, such as bestiality or necrophilia.
          Media on Wattpad
          Media on Wattpad includes images, videos, gifs, and sound clips. The following Media is not allowed on Wattpad, and will be removed:
              Media containing full exposure of any private parts, such as genitalia, breasts and buttocks.
              Media displaying sexual intercourse, or any other sexual act, regardless of whether private parts are visible.
              Media displaying self-harm or suicide
              Images of people posted without their consent, except for public figures and celebrities.
              Any other media which captures an illegal act.