I was tagged by @__QueenVogue__
1. You must post ALL rules.
2. You must tag 15 people.
3. You must post 13 facts about yourself.
4. You must answer the 13 questions given to you.
5. You must create 13 new questions for the people (or aliens) you tag.
6. You HAVE to do the tag.
7. You have a week, or else...
1. I love Shawn Mendes and Alex Babinski
2. I hate spiders
3. I met Mallory Knox
4. I am African American
5. I love rock/alternative music
6. My fave shows Orphan black/ Faking it
7. I play guitar
8. My fave color is blue/black
9. I love brownies
10. My fave ice cream is mint coco chip
11. I play drums
12. fave store?
13. I wear glasses
The 13 question given to me:
- Favorite Song right now: Ferrari by The NBHD
- Road trip or flying overseas? road trip
- Favorite Movie? Mean Girls
- Hair colour you badly want? blue
- Favorite Social Media- Tumblr
- Favorite Brand- Apple
- Girly girl or Tom boy? In the middle
- Least favorite season? Winter
- Phone or Laptop? Phone
- Do you enjoy school? kinda
- Whats your biggest dream? Idk
- Most embarrassing text or message you've ever sent? "Call the school and tell them I'm lesbian"
- Most valuable thing you own? An Autographed poster signed by Mallory Knox
My 13 questions:
1. Eyes or lips?
2. Do you believe in love at first sight?
3. Have you ever met a famous person?
4. fave author on Wattpad?
5. Celebrity crush?
6. would you rather live with a neatfreak or a slob?
7. Do you play any instruments?
8. If you could anywhere right now where would go?
9. If you could meet a celebrity right now who would choose?
10. Are you introverted or extroverted?
11. Are you athletic?
12. Fave artist?
13. What's your favorite show?
I'm Tagging:
I was tagged by @__QueenVogue__
1. You must post ALL rules.
2. You must tag 15 people.
3. You must post 13 facts about yourself.
4. You must answer the 13 questions given to you.
5. You must create 13 new questions for the people (or aliens) you tag.
6. You HAVE to do the tag.
7. You have a week, or else...
1. I love Shawn Mendes and Alex Babinski
2. I hate spiders
3. I met Mallory Knox
4. I am African American
5. I love rock/alternative music
6. My fave shows Orphan black/ Faking it
7. I play guitar
8. My fave color is blue/black
9. I love brownies
10. My fave ice cream is mint coco chip
11. I play drums
12. fave store?
13. I wear glasses
The 13 question given to me:
- Favorite Song right now: Ferrari by The NBHD
- Road trip or flying overseas? road trip
- Favorite Movie? Mean Girls
- Hair colour you badly want? blue
- Favorite Social Media- Tumblr
- Favorite Brand- Apple
- Girly girl or Tom boy? In the middle
- Least favorite season? Winter
- Phone or Laptop? Phone
- Do you enjoy school? kinda
- Whats your biggest dream? Idk
- Most embarrassing text or message you've ever sent? "Call the school and tell them I'm lesbian"
- Most valuable thing you own? An Autographed poster signed by Mallory Knox
My 13 questions:
1. Eyes or lips?
2. Do you believe in love at first sight?
3. Have you ever met a famous person?
4. fave author on Wattpad?
5. Celebrity crush?
6. would you rather live with a neatfreak or a slob?
7. Do you play any instruments?
8. If you could anywhere right now where would go?
9. If you could meet a celebrity right now who would choose?
10. Are you introverted or extroverted?
11. Are you athletic?
12. Fave artist?
13. What's your favorite show?
I'm Tagging: