
          	FANTASY IRL (21+)
          	NIGHT GARDEN(21+)
          	It is impossible to pick a favorite, and her smut is amazing ! PLEASE CHECK HER OUT ! And wish her a happy birthday. Love you all !


          It's been awhile. How are you?
          I hope all is well


@cyann410 I've missed you and glad your doing good. 
            Oh no..that sucks, I'm happy you are back online.. :)
            You have missed alot...have you seen Taehyung at the celine show in paris?!! Oh my, him in leather pants... 
            Jhopes new single "more" I have on repeat, I can't get enough of it!! 
            Charlie and Jk new song is amazing! Jks vocals...I'm in love!!!


Hi!   I have been without internet for the past 2 weeks !  I just got back online, and have no idea what has been happening in the BTS world, I have not even heard jk and Charlie’s new song yet !  I have a feeling I have missed A LOT !  Besides that, I am doing fine.  how about you ?


          How are you? I hope all is well


Hi Sam!  Sorry, I have been busy, and have not been in Wattpad…. I thought it was just a few days, but I think it was 2 weeks. Garden season is approaching, so I have been getting my veggie bed ready, and my grass cut, weeds pulled, sticks and pine cones picked up. In the process, I broke my toe and that is all the excitement in my life at the moment . I thought spring was here, but last night it was down in the thirties, and I had turned off my heat. Tonight it is 32 ! Yes, the heat is back on! Every night for the next week it will be in the 30s….  I was hoping for a warm spring so I could get an early start on my tomatoes, but  I guess not. 
            Hope you are doing well. Off to read Bitsi’s updates !


I am hearing RM, “are you ok?”…..  sorry, I got busy, and did not know I way away so long .  Did not mean to give you a scare. I was touched when you said you checked the obituaries in my town! I am so glad you did not find me there ! Don’t worry, I will have my son’s notify you if anything happens, (like getting two broken arms;  falling into a coma;  amnesia; or death) so you don’t have to worry. They will be instructed to send you all my BTS albums, dvds, and sweatshirts.  I won’t need them, where I’m going! 


          It's been awhile just want to say hi and see how your doing? I hope all is well
          Sending lots of love ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


I'm doing good.. I'm excited for spring, right now We are having a mix of snow,  hail and rain..kind of like a slush and it's super cold outside.. just yesterday it was 71 and we had thunderstorms but I'm getting used to the weather.. 
            Yes, they do have a busy year. Looking forward to their new album and comeback.... can't wait for the Grammys! 
            Sending lots of hugs back your way!


Hey kiddo !  How are you doing ? Spring is just about here…  daffodils are in bloom already.  Everything is okay here, but I could have used one big snow this year, doubt that will happen now.  This should be a busy year for BTS….. concerts, new album….. and I think I heard Run BTS is going to start back up again, but that may just be talk.  And MAYBE a Grammy, in a few weeks ??? Busy time to be ARMY !
            Hope all is well with you.  Hugs!


Wishing you a wonderful week. Sending lots of love ❤️❤❤❤


I would be furious... the post office needs to get better and keeping track of packages and making sure they don't get lost and delivered on time. That's what we are paying for.. 
            I'm hoping your week gets better and your package found and delivered. I'm doing good, everything is going good. 
            Sending you lots of hugs......


Hiya Sammy !  Hoping for an awesome week, after tomorrow. Fighting with the US Postal Service over a lost package, especially after spending $39 postage for express, overnight delivery……. My blood is boiling. But I am hopeful it will be found and delivered, even though it is late. But besides that, everything is going great. How about you ? Hugs……


Hello ☺️ 
          How are you ❤ sending lots of love wishing you a wonderful week ahead ❤❤❤❤❤


@cyann410 oh no, I hope they feel better and Im wishing them both a safe and quick recovery. I'm glad to hear your doing good.
            I recently moved to Missouri from Las Vegas the end of last month, around New years. I was exposed to covid at my job in Las Vegas by one of my co-workers. My manager from Las Vegas texted me as I was traveling to Missouri to inform me I was exposed to someone that tested positive for covid.... she then told me since it's been 5 days and if your not showing any symptoms your mostly likely in the clear and okay.. but since moving to Missouri and starting my new job, most of my coworkers here have had covid and/or getting over it. So, I've avoided it so far.. knock on wood... but I can agree with you about everything possibly end up getting it...
            I've been watching the news on the winter storm that your getting and hopefully it doesn't end up being too serious but please stay safe. 
            You do the same, have a wonderful week and take care and stay safe always. Giving you big hugs *squeezing you tight*


Hey Sam !  How are you doing ? I just saw the Christmas message below, sorry about that, I seldom come over here   .   I am doing ok. Both of my sons have Covid, but they are grown and don’t live with me, so I was just waiting to see if I was next. I had been with my one son just 2 days before he came down with it, so I was sure I was going to get it. But it has been 8 days, so I think I am in the clear. Right now, we are getting the winter storm that is messing with half of the country. Got about 3” of snow, but it has been all ice for about the last 3 hours. But the wind is suppose to pick up through the night. I am in Northern Maryland, and in that pocket where it should not get too bad.  We may lose power if the winds really pick up. 
            So have you avoided Covid, so far ?  I really think that everyone is going to end up getting it, before it gets so weak that it won’t really be much more than a cold. Well, you have a great week, and stay healthy and safe. Hugs…


Hi sweetie, it's been awhile just want to say hi and see how your doing  I've been missing you 
          Wishing you a great weekend!


@SamanthaMoore226 @cyann410 do u know a book called twisted tae ff where the female lead is taken to an island


@cyann410 lol.... I meant to say I don't watch many stories on YouTube that I'm mainly on WP


@cyann410 wow, I remember 'Until Then' I actually read the first half of season 1 but unfortunately didn't have a chance to finish but I agree it was good and yes,the smut was nice. 
            I read the first 2 chapters of The Innocent Seducer it was good. I do, I love a sex crazed, dominate Taehyung. He's beautiful, HOT, and oh so gorgeous! 
            I don't watch many stories on wattpad but only a few. I'm mainly more on WP.