
just published a new story. it’s a disney backstage fic. vanessa morita x fem!oc. go read it please


Hey, I need your help. I want to make a glee fic that’s Sebastian x Fem Oc. The fem oc is Kurt’s sister but I want to make some drama so I need another oc. I’m thinking for a face claim either Froy Gutierrez or Peyton Alexis Smith. Please vote and help a girl out. 


Or Matt Cornett


Or Leo Howard


hey I loved your one shot and I wanted to know if there was a specific place to send prompts and such like a dm or if you just put them in the comments like I did mine whichever is more convenient! Anyway, the story was so good as much as I love Zeddy boy it’s funny to see him get knocked on his ass! keep up the good work and I hope you like my ideas if you see them! Glad to see it’s not just me that likes Wyatt and Eliza as a couple!


1. Wyatt wanting to propose to Eliza and having a speech written but to make it special, he has Bonzo and Zed teach him to say it in Zombie Tong.
            2. Zed and Bonzo (actually really just the former) trying to threaten Wyatt not to hurt Eliza, and Willa just sitting down with Eliza and having a rational conversation about Wyatt with her.
            3. Eliza interrupting a pack meeting to tell Wyatt (after they are married) something important, and while he’s going off about how she can’t do stuff like this (just coming into the den during important stuff), she tries to get his attention and finally yells that she’s pregnant and he’s stunned, then really happy, and drags her out to tell the whole pack.
            4. Eliza (I see her ‘filling out’ more in the chest and hips as she gets older) gets made fun of by some certain cheerleaders with stupidly similar names (this is at an event after graduation, Zed dragged her along) for her increasing dress size, and she’s upset about it when she goes home, only for her sweet wolf to tell her (in a rather handsy way) how beautiful he thinks she is, then pulling her to the bedroom to show her how gorgeous he thinks she is. 
            5. Wyatt and Eliza having to explain to their young son Waylon about... you know what after he walks in on them! 
            6. Their daughter, Zora, bringing home her high school boyfriend to meet her family and Wyatt absolutely effing terrifying him (cuz my personal headcanon is that his and Willa’s dad is a BIG dude and Wyatt beefs up just like him! And Willa hates him being so much bigger than her!) because he’s super protective of his little girl!
            These were the ones I thought kind of didn’t suck. I hope you like them. My mind is weird.


Okay cool! I’ll just copy them over!


You can dm me. It’s fine 