if you are white and you’re apart of a marginalized community wether you’re a woman, queer, disabled, poor or whatever, please realize that you are white before ANY of those things. if a poc (person of color) apart of your community is saying that they face harder struggles than you do, do not call it “oppression olympics” because it IS true. and when you deflect from it, all you’re doing is letting your white fragility show. at the end of the day, all forms of oppression come back together to uphold white supremacy, so you should care about dismantling ALL types of oppression. if you are only interested in dismantling the oppression that hurts you, you are catering to white supremacy, which does make you a white supremacist. no matter what community you’re apart of, racism is going to come up. it always has and it always will. not taking a strong stance against racism is taking a strong stance FOR racism. please educate yourself, it’s not that hard.