
so... I'm alive and thinking of a new story... I have no idea, but we'll see! Also, thank you for so many viewers on Don't Run Away! I'm actually really shocked that it's still being read even though it's complete crap (grammar, plot holes, everything about the plot was basic as frick)! Anyways, just thanks for being here and reading my story and hopefully, I'll write another one sometime soon!  xx


 It wasn't bad at ALL! I have been off this entire week instead of today for school, and I have being reading this book on this. I got really excited and couldn't stop squeaking (I squeak when I get really excited). I have never squeaked so much until I thought about this book, making me want to read until it's finished. Although I didn't want there to only be 30 something chapters which kind of saddened me. But I have a request for another book; Rebelled Wolf. 
          	  Rebelled Wolf:a teenage girl stuck in an underground realm with vampires and werewolves and every mythical creature that humans believe don't exist. Everyone was told to stay down there by the King of Hell, the most powerful devil of them all! He hates being stuck at the bottom, and hates everything about that one rebelled girl. She has head stories of what it is like above the pit of hell and beyond. She decides she wants to see for herself. She persuaded her best friend and best guy friend who are also wolves to go with her. They face dangerous encounters with the devil's minions. But thanks to the guy who had persuasion powers,the rebelled girl who had the power to sense things far away, and her friend who had the power to shape-shift into anything they want, they break past the dark depths of Hell...and all Hell breaks loose, literally 