
hotel: trivago


you ever find a book so good :)
          and you’re so into it :))
          then you get to the last chapter :)))
          and then you think “ugh, I can’t wait for them to update!!” :))))
          but then you look at the last update date :)))))
          and it was over a fücking year ago :))))))
          and now you just feel empty and purposeless about life :)))))) 
          that’s me right now :))))))) 


today i had the chance to cry in the rain, i literally got soaked but then i realized that nobody was home so i could cry in my house without witnesses. 
          would've been nice to cry in the rain though, the rain felt nice and relaxing, i just hope i dont get sick. :)


i say that a lot of girls (celebrity-wise) are my girlfriends/wifeys so idk if my friends can tell or not that i'm half gay, i don't feel the need to make a big deal out of it and come out cause i don't know i just don't feel my sexuality is important at this point