
Dear readers, A newly written Chapter 04 of Yu-Gi-Oh Chronicle Prophecy had been published! Click the link below to find out what is new to Belinda's dragonic adventure! Stay tuned and cheers!


Happy Valentine Day, dear readers!
          I'd like to celebrate this romantic day with a little short story serves as special episode to Yu-Gi-Oh Chronicle Invasion! 
          Note that this story serves as a filler episode and not to be considered canon to the main plot of the book.
          Without further ado, Click on the link down below and enjoy the story ^^


Dear lovely readers
          Happy (belated) New Year 2025! I would like to provide my special thanks for all of your support and enjoyment as Yugioh Chronicle: Invasion reached 10k reads! Your contribution throughout the progress of this book is greatly appreciated! 
          Feel free to provide your review as well as suggestions and critics on what to do improve my story, anything will be appreciated as long as it is a constructive feedback. Last but not least, I wish that all of us is going to enjoy another beautiful day and be blessed with good health and everlasting happiness. Cheers! ^^


Dear fellow readers
          At long last, my first chapter on 2025 had been released with the addition of Chapter 13 on Yu-Gi-Oh Chronicle Invasion!!! I'd like to apologize for taking a long time to write and publish this story because my mom had not been feeling well these days and I had to regularly look after her. 
          Without further ado, feel free to click on the link below to read the story and enjoy ^^


@Dragonboy1092 Thank you. Thankfully she had gotten a little better day by day. Anyway feel free to read my story


Sorry about your mom 


Dear readers
          I'd like to announce that I am going to have a short family vacation for around a week starting from tommorow on Jan 6th up until next week. Therefore updates to Yugioh Chronicle Invasion/Prophecy will be delayed for around a few days until my vacation is over. I'd like to apologize for the inconvenience and wish that all of you will have a good day


Good evening lovely readers!
          I'd like to bring out the long-awaited new spin-off book called Yu-Gi-Oh Chronicle: Prophecy. The story is set around 3 years before the event of Yu-Gi-Oh Chronicle: Invasion with Belinda Ryutatsu being the new protagonist.  Feel free to read by clicking on the link down below and follow through Belinda's "journey" as she transcend from a regular honor student to a wielder of a mythical Dragunity deck.