
I've just updated a new chapter on sometimes your soulmate is right in front of you! I rushed this like crazily and if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes than please understand I just didn't really spend time looking over every word as I really don't have time. It's my last week of Easter holidays and I have a hella lot amount of homework. So I hope you guys enjoy this and please please do leave comments or give me feedback if you have any, but if not than there's alot more chapter still coming in this book. 
          	Love you all Barchie warriors and remember to stay #barchiepositive


I've just updated a new chapter on sometimes your soulmate is right in front of you! I rushed this like crazily and if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes than please understand I just didn't really spend time looking over every word as I really don't have time. It's my last week of Easter holidays and I have a hella lot amount of homework. So I hope you guys enjoy this and please please do leave comments or give me feedback if you have any, but if not than there's alot more chapter still coming in this book. 
          Love you all Barchie warriors and remember to stay #barchiepositive


Hi barchies! I've finally had the chance to post a new chapter of sometimes your soulmate is right in front of you. It's also available on archive of our own under Archie Andrews/betty cooper. I've been so busy with school, homework, study and now I have my 2 weeks of easter holidays which isn't really a holiday because there's a lot of homework, study and now I have to get the house clean for easter because my grandparents are finding it more diffcult to do activitred that involve a lot of physical movement which can also be stressful. It's been forever since I posted a new chapter and if you like it or want to post a comment then please do because I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback on how to make the book better. I hope you guys enjoy it and #staybarchiepositive because we're thriving this season

            Archive of our own link if you prefer to view it on that platform


Hey Barchies!! Just updated a new chapter for sometimes your soulmate is right in front of you. I hope you guys enjoy it and there's a really nice cousin talk with Betty and Cheryl that I think you'll love. I love you barchies and please tell me what you think of the story/chapter if you can as I really want to know what you think of my stories. 
          But please read if you can and #rockonBarchies!


Hey Barchies!!! So sorry I didn't update in a bloody long time. I have the summer holidays and loads of homework, and lots of homwork these holidays because this year I will be doing my 11th year of school. Very stressful but hopefully the book will be done before school starts, I hope. Please read it if you can and I'm so sorry if there are any typo mistakes as I just finished this chapter right now, rushing through it like a maniac. So sorry if you do see typos and please please let me know if it should have improvements or if it's not the best. Tell me if I need to fix anything because I love hearing people's opinions and so please don't feel scared to comment or to let me know if you enjoyed it, or if I could have changed some parts
          But I love you all and you barchies are amazing! #RockonBarchies!!!!


Hey Barchies! Sorry I haven't updated for quite a long while. I finished my year 10 year a few weeks ago, and during these two weeks, I did so much Christmas cleaning, decorating, and still have a lot of clutter to put away, not to mention putting the Christmas lights outside which so many batteries did not want to work. I've been so busy and utterly occupied, but luckily I completed the 12th chapter for sometimes your soulmate is right in front of you, and I hope you guys love it. Please get more people to read it if you can and I'm so excited for Barchie in the real Riverdale! I was so sad for Abigail watching the 4th episode of season 6, it was sad but also amazing. If I don't update the next chapter for quite a while, then it's because I'm just completely busy and will still be writing, just not getting to write much until I actually have time to finish it. I love you guys so much, may us Barchies win for our endgame and #rockon Barchies!


Hey you amazing peeps! I just updated a new chapter for sometimes your soulmate is right in front of you. I included a bit of a Cheryl/Archie/Betty friendship as this trio has such an amazing bond and Cheryl really needed some genuine friendship love. Betty and Cheryl are way more best friends than Beronica. I miss Beronica but it just never felt completely right. Their friendship wasn't very genuine. But I hope you enjoy this chapter. The next chapter will be a huge and difficult major focus on Betty. Please read it if you can, and get more Barchies to read it. I love you all fam and #rockon Barchies!


So sorry I haven't updated in awhile Barchie fam! I finished school last Friday and have spent the week doing the big Christmas cleaning. But I just updated a new chapter now for sometimes your soulmate is right infront of you. It will be quite a filled chapter with what will shock you but I'm sure we're not surprised that Glen is the TBK. Even though it was the devil in the Rivervale universe, it probably foreshadows that Glen is truly a bad person who is the TBK serial killer. I miss barchie y'all! I miss Archie so much to, hopefully in real Riverdale our favourite endgame will get their endgame. I hope you enjoy this chapter and please tell me if you like it or not. I really want to know your thoughts, but I love u guys, may we get our Barchie endgame and #rockon Barchies!


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Hey guys! I just published the 8th chapter of sometimes your soulmate is right infront of you. It's very long, but I did rush it a bit this week, so please forgive me if there's a few typo mistakes. But I hope you love it and enjoy it! I didn't want to include what happened to Archie in Rivevale or that Abigial's curse shit. Even though there's different context then what we got on the show, I hope what I wrote is interresting and warms your barchie hearts. We still won Barchies! And now I don't think it's a coma dream but rather they're all cursed and don't remember Riverdale and are all posessed by the curse, including Cheryl. I don't know what the fuck is happening with Cheryl, but nana rose is also making me feel suspicious of her, she might have something to do with the curse. But we won! So don't get negative about Barchie and thank you all for still reading my book! I'm halfway already with the ninth chapter and there will be some trouble.  I'm only 16 still, but I love you all, hope you enjoy the next upcoming chapters and #rockonbarchies! 


I am halfway through the next chapter of sometimes your soulmate is right in front of you. Thank you so much for over 300! Keep reading if you can, spread barchie positivity, and I hope my writing improves so you don't get bored. I'm only 16 tho, but I just want to finish this book and can't wait for you guys to find out how the ending will turn out. I'm disappointed with the witchery involved, but I won't include what was actually happening in Rivervale, but I'll try to get all of the context to align with the characters and the storyline, so it all makes sense and comes together to make sense. But I love you guys so much, so thank you!