
Ermagherd we haven't talked in like a bunch of months.
          I've been re-watching Hetalia n' stuff. Also got Assassin's Creed IV. :B 
          How've you been holding up?


Iceland and Sweden are adorable, too. ;-;
            Help, I am slowly crossing the event horizon of Hetalia addiction.


You got a job! :D 
            I don't even get an allowance... Usually because I'm the one that makes messes. Star Wars is neet, even if the prequels make me cry. I've been starting to get back into Hetalia, though.
            The best games in the Assassin's Creed franchise are probably AC: II, Black Flag, or maaaaybe Brotherhood.
            School's not going to hot right now. There's a lot of weirdness going on, but I'll push through! 
            Norway is adorable ;-;


@KeithFinley Friend!! F r i e n d! We havEN'T TALKED IN AGES I MISSED CHATTING WITH YOU!
            I just have been dying because I got a job so yeah I've been extremely busy. Plus I jumped into the star wars fandom once again since the new movie release (I need help). And fanart, I've been drawing a lot of fanart these days. 
            Assassin's Creed nice nice, I wish I could play that. I finally got a PS4 so maybe I can?
            How's school going for ya friend?


Kon'nichwa Nmei-chan,maybe you want to read my book Omg Markaplier Compilation. If you like?


@boricua16 no problem. Oh and after that there's more book where that came from.


@boricua16 Hello Cynthia! I would definitely check it out, but personally I don't watch Markiplier nor have I ever played fnaf so I don't think I'd exactly know what is going on. ; v ; Thank you for the invite tho. o v o /


bestie. pstt.
          are you going to write more of Cafe du Monde? :)


@u-nmei Business is completely understandable. Well, when you do...I'll be there to read it. ;)


@dollopheads YES
            I hope so at least. ; v ;
            I've been kinda busy lately, but I do have part of the second chapter done eheh.
            I like that story and I really want to continue it. ; v ;


@Akatsuki_Holly Hello Holly, 
          I am really glad you are enjoying my story! I apologize for its lack of updates.
          At the moment, I am very busy since college started and I have a few art commissions on my plate. But I do have plans to finish the third chapter by the end of this month. u v u
          - Wyrd