
Hello to all of the followers on this account! After a few months, I’ve decided to make this account active again!


Hello, this is Amelia, the sister of the talented author running this account. As much as all of you have loved reading her work and seeing the art her friends contribute to it, this account will no longer be functioning. I am not discussing the matters behind this situation, but if you would like to talk about it, you can reach her friends on Instagram through their accounts rmarcus.s (Rebecca) and adobe.pdf (Austen). Covers and trailers for Lea's stories were made by Rebecca and Austen helped Lea with plots and getting over writers block. Her friends have very much appreciated working with her but will no longer be able to do so. If you would personally like to work with them to make covers etc. with you, feel free to reach out at any time.
          Again, I am very sorry that none of the stories on this account will be continued (unless anyone would be willing to take over)
          all love, Amelia. <3


So this is a possibly important message. If all you guys read is fanfiction, that's fine, but I am going to start writing works of my own with my own characters. Nonfiction, horror, adventure, etc. I really like where these drafts are going and once they're done, I'll finally upload them here. If you would like that, then great I guess?


Finally remembered I had an Instagram, if you wanna be a basic bîtch with me hmu it’s thnksfrthtysh
          Planning on getting a Snapchat soon, that’ll also be thnksfrthtysh when I get around to it 
          YouTube is Lea Frank I’ll link that at some point when I’m not freakishly tired and in need of sleep
          Follow me I’m dying in the inside and need validation