
Hey babes, just a message. The story that I was going to publish like I had mentioned I would, Homicide, I will not be posting it. Only for reasons like, I didn't like the way I was writing it and just in general the book. Although, I am thinking of writing a more romance book, not so kinky like the one i'm currently writing. It will be longer and way way way more detailed than my current book. And it will be more of a story, if that makes sense, the one i'm writing rn hasn't really got a good story line to it in my opinion. This is a maybe though, I am going to start writing it and see how I feel about it. It would mean loads to me if you guys commented saying what you would like to happen in my current story, Daddy's Girl.


@d6vilish yes baby just take your time and I will always be there to support you and your writing cus I'm literally obsessed with your books . thanks you so so so so so so so so so so so so much for writing them 
          	  Stay safe and keep staying at home 
          	  All the love  


Hey babes, just a message. The story that I was going to publish like I had mentioned I would, Homicide, I will not be posting it. Only for reasons like, I didn't like the way I was writing it and just in general the book. Although, I am thinking of writing a more romance book, not so kinky like the one i'm currently writing. It will be longer and way way way more detailed than my current book. And it will be more of a story, if that makes sense, the one i'm writing rn hasn't really got a good story line to it in my opinion. This is a maybe though, I am going to start writing it and see how I feel about it. It would mean loads to me if you guys commented saying what you would like to happen in my current story, Daddy's Girl.


@d6vilish yes baby just take your time and I will always be there to support you and your writing cus I'm literally obsessed with your books . thanks you so so so so so so so so so so so so much for writing them 
            Stay safe and keep staying at home 
            All the love  


Lol, teacher being a prissy biatch to me for wearing black shorts instead of navy blue ones  like wtf we you starring at my ass?


@Chuot999 BAHAHAHAAH yes it was, he hated my black shorts 