So guess what my father tested positive for Covid-19!
But I tested negative so I'm good.
But the thing is I live in the same house as him sooo
It's is possible that I get it if I'm not careful
And everyone who knows me knows that I'm careful
But forgetful
So chances are I'll probably get it too
So in that case I wanted to apologise for not being active and not posting anything on my most recent story.
I dunno when I'll update it again
But just know I'll update before Christmas
I'm really thankful for the people that have stuck around and read my books
You guys have made a great impact on my life!
I wish you all the best
Please wear your mask, drink water, eat something (even if it's just a bite) and sleep! These are stressful times we're going through so don't worry if you aren't at your best, you guys are doing great!