
Dear all, Chapter 1 The Last Symbol sudah aku publish. Yang suka bayangin Yoongi jadi penyiar radio, yuk mampir :)


Hai kak
          Aku udah baca cerita kakak yang sama kak @decdaisy, yang pied piper 
          Aku suka banget sama cerita nya. 
          Semangat ya kak nulis nya 


@ d_rein  yang pasti semangat ya kak
            Soalnya, aku seneng banget sama yang pied piper. 
            Ceritanya tuh gak berat


@WindiIstiqoh hai windi. Makasih ya udah baca pied piper. Makasih jg udah nyempetin mampir ke sini buat ninggalin pesan.
            Ini lagi ngumpulin niat buat nulis lagi. Kelamaan break jadi bingung mau mulai dari mana huhu


I wrote this two days ago but I hold it back, battling with myself whether is it a proper time yet to post it since it's been a hard day for me too. But here, I wanna do it with all of you guys, to pay more attention to people around us, to care more about them so we could learn together to love ourselves. People who commit suicide don’t wanna do it to end their life, but to end the pain they feel. We never know that maybe the-five-minutes we spare to listen, could save life.