


you are now my favorite person on wattpad


@NatalieBrown21 Wanting Him and yes I like it


@NatalieBrown21 which ones? Do you like them/it?


I found out I had asthma too and really it kinda ruined my life I can't do sports I can't do gym I can't play home free ( running game) I can't play tag I can't do anything fun so if you can't do that stuff to I know how you feel


thank you so much I am definitely going to try those I actually stayed home today and yesterday because if my asthma 


@abbiemae5 okay so I am 14 and have had asthma for almost 8 years now and I have some coping methods you can try that seem to help me. okay so eating apples. try to eat at least 1 apple a week... they are really good for your lungs and people with asthma. also if you have a rescue inhaler bring it with you EVER WHERE, like always keep it with you... 24-7... also if you know your triggers try to aviod them... mine are mainly allergies so I take claratin every morning in spring, summer and fall. or if you want to go natural you can try essental oils by dottera. I own some dottera and really love it, but my mom is a complete natrual, vegan crazy lady so she like owns a bunch... also if you don't already have one, look around for an asthma doctor. they can help you more and tell you what your triggers are if you don't already know them... so yeah, oh and for tag and running, stuff like that, I play games like that with my inhaller. I just shove it in my back pocket before leaving the house... if I am having an issue I normally take 2 puffs and then if I'm still having an issue I do 3. don't worry to much about over dossing on that because the rescue inhaller is not a stereroid so unless you do like 15 in a row you should be good...