
I didn’t realize until like just now but wattpad deleted my 3 most popular books so that’s fun. Guess that’s what I get for being inactive  it’s just very upsetting to realize I’ll never be able to reread them again and hours of writing I did is just gone- I wish they’d at least leave them in your drafts if they consider them mature. 


@allthemanygalaxies ty I miss u too, I miss being active and all my friends/fans on here and still think about it everyday but my life is just so different now  I cant keep up with this and adulting lmao but it’s my most treasured memory and I still come back to reminisce all the time  wish I could just time travel back five years 


Hello author and readers<3  A new writer here..sorry for posting it here uf authors doesn't like it but I just wanna say that I'm a new writer and this is my first book "yes master" I will really appreciate it if you look forward to the story it's ongoing and everyone who is reading this I hope you have a good day and I will be very happy if you check my story for once please vote every chapter if you like it that gives me motivation to keep on writing bye lovies<3


I didn’t realize until like just now but wattpad deleted my 3 most popular books so that’s fun. Guess that’s what I get for being inactive  it’s just very upsetting to realize I’ll never be able to reread them again and hours of writing I did is just gone- I wish they’d at least leave them in your drafts if they consider them mature. 


@allthemanygalaxies ty I miss u too, I miss being active and all my friends/fans on here and still think about it everyday but my life is just so different now  I cant keep up with this and adulting lmao but it’s my most treasured memory and I still come back to reminisce all the time  wish I could just time travel back five years 


real question idk where else to ask this but how do yall make online friends?? i want to make some so badly and i also want help with my computer science homework but dont know anyone that could help me so i was hoping i could get in touch with someone that does cs at uni or something for help. i just have no idea how people are connecting with random people online


Could not tell you as I’ve never really had any close online friends, I’ve had one or two from people who I frequently interacted with in my wattpad books comments sections but other than that I am friendless ;( @slothslides


I know I’m an adult now but I wish people still played truth or dare in groups it would still be fun I think


Maybe that’s something they do


I just found your page 
            I’m reading your book “my new step daddy”and I love the relationship between Luke and Scarlet Rose


I did not expect being sexually active to come with just constantly whole heartedly believing everything ever is an early symptom of pregnancy no matter how much birth control I use. 
          Gagged at a smell I don’t usually? Pregnant.
          Mad at my husband? Pregnant. 
          Cried bc i had to wake up early? Pregnant. 
          Got nauseous because I haven’t eaten all day? Pregnant.
          Cramps? Pregnant.
          Spotting? Must be implantation bleeding. Pregnant. 
          Dizzy? Pregnant. 
          Hungover? No those must be pregnancy symptoms. 
          Consistently use my birth control and usually condoms? Doesn’t matter, probably pregnant. Probably experiencing  cryptic pregnancy. Gonna be on I didn’t know I was pregnant. 
          I have gotten halfway through a 100 pack of pregnancy tests in the six-ish months I’ve been married. Every single test has been immediately and clearly only one line and yet I am convinced the whole pack is faulty and am constantly afraid I am somehow pregnant.


I do this too. I have not found a way around it let me know if you find one. 


@daddy_luke and that ok to feel the way you are feeling 


@nightinmylight haha I actually did three months into marriage I had a pregnancy blood test done and it came back negative- I’m just ridiculously paranoid all the time about this one thing  I think bc I work with kids it’s just always on my mind


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Hi friends! I’m back, at least for now haha, and I updated monsters among men! Go check it out and let me know what you think- hopefully it’s good but it’s been so long since I’ve written I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s kinda shit haha


welcome back!! 


Welcome back!! 


I have not been here for a long time but ANYWAY I’m a married woman like I have a husband and everything it’s so weird. Kinda cool. Anyway I’ve not had really any time or motivation for writing which I’m sorry for ;( I wish I did guys I wanna update lol 


@daddy_luke CONGRATS SIS! ur stories are some of the only ones i ever go back to and reread, have the best married life ily 