
First of all, you don't HAVE to pass this on. This isn't that sort of thing.
          Every human ‍♂️ ‍♀️ being has the potential to be amazing. That means you must be amazing ⭐! Enjoy your amazingness and have a great day! Go out there and ✨ shine ✨ your light on the world!
          Pass this on to someone else if you want to.


You have been chosen to be showered love so enjoy!!!!
          Now post this to everyone’s wall who you think deserves all the love in the world. 
          If you get....
          1 back=you’re loved
          3 back=you’re popular
          5 back=you’re one of the most lovable person out there
          9 back=WOW I’m jealous
          Don’t break the chain unless you want to break someone’s heart.