
Okay, I'm writing a bit KaiSoo smut for my next chapter of Love is a traitor. (sORRY BYE) But are you okay with if I let it stay in the chapter and give a note when the smut comes? or should i do another book to post the dirty parts? (cuz there will be lots of in this story heH)


@ lill_baozi  haha keep it in, if someone can't handle smut they can just skip it! I'm kinda excited .-. heheh anyways yeah keep it in is my opinion ^-^


Okay, I'm writing a bit KaiSoo smut for my next chapter of Love is a traitor. (sORRY BYE) But are you okay with if I let it stay in the chapter and give a note when the smut comes? or should i do another book to post the dirty parts? (cuz there will be lots of in this story heH)


@ lill_baozi  haha keep it in, if someone can't handle smut they can just skip it! I'm kinda excited .-. heheh anyways yeah keep it in is my opinion ^-^


So! I finally managed to write a chapter but it's not really long and quite boring. TT;; I think I'll just edit it/write anorther few paragraphs and update it in a few hours/tomorrow! I hope you're okay with it uû


@lill_baozi I'm so glad you've updated! I really like your work :) ChanSoo shipper here :)