
I’m v v sad Bc my boyfriends mom took his phone and I haven’t talked to him in 2 days.. we always sleep together, and it’s gotten to the point that I can’t sleep without him.. so I have been up for two days straight and I miss him...


I’m v v sad Bc my boyfriends mom took his phone and I haven’t talked to him in 2 days.. we always sleep together, and it’s gotten to the point that I can’t sleep without him.. so I have been up for two days straight and I miss him...


Oop. I know I’m never on here anymore. I don’t really get on social media anymore. I really just scroll through insta to entertain myself. I feel that my mental health is higher when I’m doing things I love (painting, drawing, working on getting my GED) when I’m stuck in social media I get really down. If anyone needs me, my insta is chrissyyleann I’m sorry for my absence, but I’m really happy with my boyfriend, and the few friends I have. 


@Comically_Demonic_ ❤️ I love you, sweetheart 


My boyfriends birthday is tomorrow and I just wanna like show up at his house like “Uh hi you ordered a Chrissy” I dunno I’m weird.. but I can’t do that. If I had my license I would... like dead serious. I love him so much and I know he’s gonna see this so hi baby. Hehe. Anyways.. I dunno what I’m doing I just thought I’d make a post cause why not.. heh 


Mine and Lucius’s one month is tomorrow and I am v v v happy girl 


@Comically_Demonic_ HAPPY ANNIVERSARY DADDY ❤️


@Comically_Demonic_ I love you sssssoooooooooo much daddy!!


@chrissyyleann ❤❤ So excited, Babygirl 