@dadimahungry Good Night <3 you've been an amazing follower and if your comfortable with it friend on my page! I hope lovely little Mushroom Angels watch over you tonight and give you good dreams!! ~Love Mason the Mushroom God

@8Pastel_Bear8 I was on a family trip, so don'tcha worry about it. Also, i wanted to ask if you could help me {I wanted to make a new story about some interesting facts about anime, or complete the kiribaku fanfic }... So, witch one? I mean, the kiribaku one was incomplete when i posted it, the placement of words is wrong, and grammar mistakes to that. But, on the other hand i don't really have stuff for the other one, beside the title. Please helpppppp

Hi again Kinga! Sorry i haven't responded in a while, first my Wattpad stop working then i was on punishment for a week . But im glad I made ur day! <3