I know this is probably strange and not what I usually post but... I've been hyper-fixated on pjo lately and after reading and watching... many and I mean many stories, posts or videos about pjo I've noticed that there are things some people seem to forget about Poseidon... Poseidon was the Greek god of the sea and rivers (just generally water), creator of storms and floods, and the bringer of earthquakes and destruction. People seem to forget that Poseidon is the creator of storms (aka why he is called storm bringer) and because Zeus is related to the skies, those people seem to therefore think Zeus controls the storms, when it is in fact Poseidon. But while Poseidon creates the storms, the thunder and lightning portion comes from Zeus (obviously but I just wanted to clarify that). By the way, I'm not in any way trying to attack anyone, I just wanted to clarify this cause I thought it was something that should be clarified. But if I'm wrong on anything let me know. Also with my hyper-fixation on pjo it is further developed into learning more about Greek Mythology and expanding my already known knowledge on the topic as having read about it before discovering pjo.
@Flamingo_Girl_WP it came out and omfg it was a rollercoaster of emotions-
@dadzawacares Lol same. Highly recommended listening to the EPIC Saga's by Jorge Rivera-Herrans The Vengeance Saga comes out in a couple of hours so I'm Hella excited for that lol