
Hello everyone, I don't know if anyone of you still remembers me or not but I miss you all so much. I have started a poetry account on Instagram that's called pens.andkeys , so make sure you follow it and read my new poems, love you all and take careee


So my heart decided to make me cry for the people I met on wattpad and have now left or are inactive. I miss you all so much @_joy2dworld_  @RGNPBTLV @fly2live @glifelikes @Bored_teen01 @patya6022 Where are you all? I really miss you :'(


@glifelikes Hiii I am glad you responded. I am doing fine, hope everything is going well for you. It's so sweet that you remember about the story, actually I lost all the drafts I had made for that story so had to discontinue it :( but I am soo happy interacting with you again take care dearie


@daffodilinthisspring hii miss u too :') been so long! Hope you are doing fine!! And ps i miss your story too the one in which the girl writes letters to guy who lives faraway and then they meet (forgive me for not remebering the names) but yes i used to love reading your works! Hoping to see some! 


She would howl and weep wrapped in her comforting blanket.
          She would hate being part of the memories, that went aflame and burnt her to ashes.
          Tear up when something reminds her of them.
          Think of all the stars swirling into the back holes.
          Wish upon a star that itself doesn't know its fate.
          Blots the paper saying love is a sword, killing one at a time.
          Says her heart is now ice, and the world lacks the fire to thaw it out.
          And the next day, the sun rises.
          The first dancing ray heals her heart.
          Her heart is still heavy but not incapable of loving.
          She accepts love is a flower, guarded by thorns.
          She hums her favourite tune as she flies like a butterfly.
          She forgives the archer, but never really forgets the face.
          For her, forgiveness is self love, her heart could never hold hate.
          She is a phoenix, a fairy, a human. Someone ordinary at sight, extraordinary at heart.
          This isn't some fictional writing. This is written about a person I know too well. 
          and how are you all doing?


@daffodilinthisspring I like this fairy.. Can I take her home with me?


THIS IS LOVELY .Don't even try to contradict me. It was so beautiful, mesmerizing and heart touching like honestly @zelaughingqueen hats off to you, this is a celestial masterpiece. And others please go and read it, it's worth your time


thank you so much! i appreciate your support ❤️