Reb ..  whyd you come out all ( this ) way to find me ?    out of everyone .. 


            what makes you think I’m here for /you/ ? of course, I’d /love/ to tear your tongue out of your bloody head , but that can wait. I’m here for the better brother, of course. and where one is, the other one is likely to be close. where /is/ darling stefan ? 


                    ╱         (           .         ASFGHJK .
                                        STAHP .         I CANT WITH THESE BEAUTIFUL AESTHETICALLY PLEASING MUSES <333333           ,           can’t wait to spam you w interactions .                ;DDDDD . 


                  awww thank youuuu! actually, this account , @forbeseternal and @obsxssedlove are not ocs , but still , your words mean so much to me ! 
                 you are literally one of the kindest hoomans I talk to— seriously <33 


          ╱        (         .             SEE THIS ???     (ง ˘̀︹̀ ˘̀) ง
                     that’s me rn ,           ready to fight your ass .
                 the amount of work you’ve put in to bring the characters to life ,      IS MF BREATHTAKINGLY BEAUTIFUL .           i swear ,     it might not look like it to you ,     but i’m hella loving it .      you’ve done such an excellent job .             plus ,     the rp ?       
                  HMMMMMM ,         *CHEF’s kiss*                ,     so take it easy and enjoy yourself .         this is amazing , seriously .   <333 


            / STAWP— I don’t even like my theme :,) but THANK YOU HUN <33 your compliments just encourage me to make MORE <3
                   :0000 any interaction from you on ANY of my accounts is a literal BOOST to my day :  D 