bila nak republish bfaw…. rindunya nak baca :(
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Bintang Furqan al-Wafiy akan di unpublish buat masa sekarang yeee :)
bila nak republish bfaw…. rindunya nak baca :(
Bintang Furqan al-Wafiy akan di unpublish buat masa sekarang yeee :)
AAAAAA scene sunjae pegang sol dkt tangga tu mcm scene wafiy hanum bila diorg jumpa balik after 10 years HELLO! T_T
Kerana terluka dah unpublish ehh kiter rindu hana dgn fahri
@dahlyasilevon SORRRYYYY SALAH AUTHORRR sbb author tu dahlia jugak sorrryyyyy sangat sangatttt huwaaaaaaaa
@nabilahlah helloo awak salah author kot, saya tk pernah publish anything called kerana terluka (:
assalamualaikum kenapa ramai follow lately ni saya ada viral dkt mana2 ke info pls info
@roseariella yekeee siapa yg promote tuu hahaha i've never seen my works dkt tiktok wattpad before this
Posted Bab 10 semalam and I'm just happy that SNR isn't dying anymore hahaha https://www.wattpad.com/story/239810211-sejuta-nafas-rindu
@terisyaa__ awhhh sorryyyy been busy lately huhu i will find time to update soon in shaa Allah!!
Just a little milestone updates just because :D BFA reached 560K reads & 50K+ votes Dear Damian reached 200K+ (paling tak sangka haha) BCP reached 300K+ Thanks for all the reads, comments and votes wpun saya selalu sgt menyepi skrg haha oh also for 3K followers (which saya pun tk ingat dah bila it was reached)! Thank youuu
Hai sis ! I hope you are doing well. I just want to say that this is my first time reading ur story and I really love Bintang Furqan Al-Wafiy. Straight out be my sec favourite wattpad story ever. Sis punya penulisan buat watak-watak, dialogue and scene dalam cerita ni semua rasa hidup. I really can imagine all of it perfectly. Watak hero and heroine dia pun tak rasa cringe or rasa terlalu fake berbanding cerita lain. 10 tahun tunggu and sayang orang yg sama and sama sama jadi each other punya first love tanpa hadirnya orang ketiga. Masalah pun semua berpunca dari ibu bapa sampai akhirnya diaorang ubah diri sendiri menjadi yg lebih baik. Slowly but surely. Please jangan unpub cerita ni unless u want to make it as book vers or ebook hehe saya sanggup beli demi nak baca life diaorang sampai ada anak or tua, sumpah best thank you sm i'll be supporting ur other artworks till in the future.
@hairasabrina hellooo! thank you sooo much for your kind words and love for my BFA I'm glad you enjoy and love it
apatu apatu haa almost lobers manaaa
Sejuta Nafas Rindu (Old Title: The King) is finally republished! I am excited to get back to write a long fiction, so harap aku boleh update this consistently :) https://www.wattpad.com/story/239810211-sejuta-nafas-rindu
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