
Guyss, sorry sbb tak dapat update bcs aku demam. Ff nak ending la, badan buat hal. 


@daimjiminsodap sokay la jngan paksa diru tu gws ❤


Heyy, sorry tau sebab spam vote kat ff kau tgh malam mcm ni. Aku baca buku kau offline dari awal sampai habis, jujur aku cakap yang storyline kau mmg the best and semua teratur. Lagi pun genre storyline yg kau buat memang yg aku suka sgt sgt sgt
          Dh bnyk tau buku yg aku baca and congrats sbb aku masuk kn buku kau kat top 1 reading list aku, which is termasuk buku2 favorite aku
          Thank you tau sebab buat buku yg amazing mcm tu. Aku harap nanti kau akan buat another story. Sbb storyline kau dh boleh di jadikan movie heh
          All the best for you!!


@daimjiminsodap you're welcome ❤️


@reenightae hi beb.. Thank you, I am happy to hear you feel that way! I really put a lot of thought into this, it makes my day to hear that. I will do my best to make another amazing fanfic ♥️(≧∇≦)