I appreciate you following me!! Very much appreciated!! :) ((your profile picture is so absolutely kawaii <3<3))
@daisyheads Definitely! After the encouragement I got not to change my writing style, I swore to never change it. I honestly didn't think in a million years that people would like my work, but it turns out they did. Most truly it's the best gift I could ever get. :)
Your welcome! <3 Wow, are you serious? I'm sorry, I'm just so I'm amazed that you refresh your feed everyday to see if I updated!! If I haven't already followed, I need to follow you ASAP, because you are so awesome!! :D I am beyond thrilled that you think my writing style is good. A little while ago, quite recent actually, I was thinking of changing my writing style, but I'm glad I changed my mind! I guess it's okay to be unique right? :D And oh, haha, yes that Uta cliff hanger was pretty cool. I wasn't planning to end it that way, but on a whim, I decided to do so. I'm glad I did! ((just so you know, expect part two to be up in about a week and a half to two weeks.))