"What's that?" y/n said as they spotted an owl coming towards their window. As soon as it came closer they instantly recognised it as the hufflepuff owl. "Gee, the hufflepuff owl? Wonder what brings them to these ends?" The owl lifted it's leg out and y/n took the piece of parchment of it's leg and read the letter. A smile beamed from ear-to-ear when they read the contents.
TO : @daisythefangirl14
Hello fellow Hufflepuff! I am delighted to enform you that you have become a member of the Hufflepuff Gang. Now, there should be a few things I should inform you of as a prefect. Me and the other prefects will always, always be here for you. You should never feel that you are not able to talk to us about anything. Should that be little things like recently changing your pronouns or your name. We will always be here with open arms to help you with your struggles. We are prefects after all! As a member of the Hufflepuff Gang, you are not obligated to anything, though taking part in events would be an amazing factor in part of our Gang. Soon we will be having some form of event taking place on 20th of March 2021. Now, if you don't know what is going on on this day, fear not! As it is my pleasure to tell you! 20th of March is Hufflepuff Pride Day. I have came up with the plan of making robes (themes) we would all wear on this day! I will be, with the help of other prefects making some robes that will bring us all together as a community.
Yours Sincerely, Toni-Louise, Hufflepuff Prefect.