

Yah you're such an amazing writer! I loved your work of Tae Tae ff, you know I cried alotttttttt! And I really mean it! I mean we know that Tae is fine and thank god for that but still hurts my heart that something like that can happen to anyone and happens to alot of people out there, the person whom they love when they lost them they lost their happiness. You know you showed the emotions so beautifully, I literally am totally impressed! Thanks for such amazing ff, thanks! 


@Jeonffcg omg you literally make my day sweetie! thank you so much for giving a lot of compliment that I did not deserve it! I'm happy that you like my story and you really said you were impressed T.T Once again, thank you! I hope you will be happy wherever you are, stay safe and healthy dear! lots of love from me ♡


hello dear, omg of course i remember u aidnekd;; u r so kind and sweet !! ah, idk if im older than u or not but i'm 17 wbu? i'm more than happy to be ur friend dear :,DD
          ramadhan nak habis :,) gonna miss ramadhan tho and raya nanti jgn makan banyk sgt tau, nnt tak muat baju kang hehe! 


@-bingsu kannnn tinggal a few month untuk trial then then then spm :)) lepas raya ni memang banyak kerja lah kita kannnn ayoo most welcome sweety *many heart to you* 


@-sweetietae ha'ah 00' liner this year mnghadapi bulan yg tough nnt :,DD ayye hahahaha thankyou <3 nice to know u too fatihah!!


@-bingsu yeahh we are 00 liner!! eh its okay laaa hiiii ji!!! hahahaha tu belum masuk rendang lagi tuuu omg eh no laaa your nickname is so CUTE TOOO ;)) btw thanks ahahaha maklumlah tak biasa orang puji nama hehehe.. anyway nice to know you again ji!!! :))))  