
why does chemistry have so many exceptions? it makes my head ache </3


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hello just a rant
          ok so my mom legit talked SHIT about my sister like my father does
          she said all this stuff like "she (my sister) thinks she's so superior" "we shouldn't have let her learn too much, we should have made her marry some shitty guy" "she does nothing but complain" and I was there folding clothes and I have never been so pissed at my mother like who tf is she to talk crap about my sister??! It's not like my mother is any good. She talks crap about her own children. Like woman it's not like we asked to be born if only you had some courage you could have asked your father to not marry the guy she's with right now! Idk why we had to deserve such shitty parents I hate them both so much.
          And just great now I feel bad for talking stuff like this about my parents WHY DO I HAVE TO BE SOFT SO SUDDENLY I HATE MYSELF AS WELL 


aww thank you <333 :DD


Oh my goodness. That is beyond terrible, I can’t comprehend some of the things parents do to their children and it truly breaks my heart. I wish I could do more to help but I want you to know your not alone and loads of people like me will stand behind you. I hope life gets a trillion times better for you in the future xx keep at it girl ❤️


Pretty sure no one will read this but whoever reads it thank you I guess