
Still curious about Jeonghan’s past? A bonus has been posted for BLGE along with a snazzy playlist for my book :) 


After reading your jihancheol ff, i realized you're a gem hidden under prickly hays. I hope you become a wonderful and known writer soon. I enjoyed it and I'm planning to read your other works. That's all hehe, have a great day ahead.


Hello, I'm Yancy - a reader in Vietnam. I really like your story "Fairytale", and I want to translate it from English to Vietnamese to reach more readers here, I wonder if you agree? If you agree, please reply to me via this message. If not, I'm very sorry for bothering you. Have a good day.


          I just finished reading mémoire and it's one of my favorites right now. I really really enjoyed reading it that I forgot to vote (sorry). I'm not much of a writer or anything and I'm really sorry for my bad english lol. The way you described depression in the book was just so perfect. I'm not a psychology student but there are people out there who don't know much about it and those who think depression is just being sad (some using it in normal conversations as if it's normalized). I would recommend this book to others cuz I'm so in love with the way you write. I was the type of person who gets really upset if the book I'm reading has a sad ending but this book, I enjoyed it from the beginning till the end. Was sad at the end but not sad enough to cry over it. It felt so real and I realized "Oh, I'm into realistic books now". 
          From your profile, I see you're on hiatus. Hope you're doing well. Wishing you all the best in life. Thank you for writing such an amazing book.
          -dlfkeeh_ (my ig account, do text me cuz I wanna be good friends with you)