
Sorry I haven't been posting my wattpad stopped working ill be back after October again I'm.so sorry


Is it just me or when your writing a angst chapter and you re-read to make sure you didn't make any spelling mistakes but you end up getting mad at your self for writing it 
          No just me ok


@ damian_wayn, I don't know the feeling with an angst chapter, but I'm writing on something and the first chapter is almost finished.
            I re-read it... and I was supposed to be happy/ excited... but I was like "What did I just do".
            The "problem" is, that the book must have e few chapters like that. So, after 4-5 chapters, I can get my "normal feeling" back. You're not alone.


hey i just want to say I'm sorry for not posting any chapters I haven't gotten any motivation  sorry     


@itzAmy12 really I'm glad you didn't heat it


@ damian_wayn, I read the first chapter of "New Family". It's interresting.


Hey biches and bros and non bynari hos and to you my genderflued sisters or what ever you are today 
          I have some news and i need your advice im thinking on makeing a couple new storys and i know i havnt fineshed a single one of my other story but still so should i make the new ones or finish the old ones first please help me desaid 


@ damian_wayn, you're welcome and thank you too! 


@itzAmy12 think you so much and I love you ideas I will make sure to  credit you thank you so much 


@ damian_wayn, I don't know if I'm too late but I'll just try it. 
            First of all: It's totally okay when you don't have finished a story! I also fantazise a LOT (a year ago) and wanted to write it in books (here on Wattpad) and I didn't even finish a chapter! I'm a slowly writer but still. 
            My English is not good, so there may be grammatical/-spelling mistakes. I only have DC-Comics ideas but I hope I could help you.
            -Maybe you can write a story where Batman is not a good father for Damian? 
            -A story where Jason and Damian are living together (not as a couple, but it's your story, so you have to decide) 
            -A story where Dick is the one who plays "the older brother" and helps his little siblings with their stuff? 
            Like, Damian needs help with his homework and Dick helps him. Or Timothy needs someone who would go on patrol with him to hack computers and Dick team up with him. 
            -A story where all the Batbrothers are grown up and it's time for the next generation? Or a story, where the sibling are all kids? Or even Reverse-Batfamily? 
            -A story where Tim suspect that the family hides a secret, which he doesn't know? So he tries to find it out but in the end he gave up and then it turns out, they just planed his birthday-party? 
            (You can choose another end; I just didn't know what should be the end, so I chosed the "Planning Tim's Birthday-Party") 