
Hey guys! Don’t read this at night.


As some of you may already know, my ahem..*cough cough* "hentai" was deleted long ago. ;-; I worked REALLY hard on that and was proud of my growing success. Hopefully this time we will be a bit more oblivious with words and phrases and try to keep this a secret. Also, maybe I will be clever enough to create back up files this time around.  Anyway, I hope some of you are interested in what I may be writing soon. c: I plan on bringing it back better than ever!


Scratch that guys...I think I'm just going to go straight to erotica. The whole "hentai" thing is overrated tbh. If you see both, don't be alarmed. I am tempted to start a book on hentai and another on plain ole' erotica. Of course the hentai will be a lot more fanciful and outrageous. The erotica may be nothing more or less than a little romance, adultery, etc. Be sure to stay posted and comment new ideas/suggestions! xx


So I'm thinking of adding some awesome fan fics (character x reader) to my hentai. Any requests?


@damisaursgorawrcx Eyeless Jack! Pleaee???


@damisaursgorawrcx  Yandere! Levi x reader