Hi there! I've noticed that you're giving my story a chance and it means the world to me! Thank you so much and feel free to leave your feedback on it if you'd like. You're amazing☆ Have a great day/night❤

@XclusivelyA Aw, thank you! I'm glad you like it. Ashton has that effect on people haha. Good luck with your class❤

@XclusivelyA sorry that message did not make sense, what I meant to say was. Your book is really good and I really enjoy it. Even though I'm not even half done with the book I would recommend it till the day I die. Its literally amazing! I hope your doing good and have a nice day/night!

this message may be
@XclusivelyA HOLY SHIT- YOU MADE THE BOOK AHHH! Thank you so much for messaging! I seriously love your book! Its AMAZING. But literally I love Ashton and hate him at the same time. Your book makes me feel single. But ITS SO FREAKING GOOD. You're book is literally the best. I'm so sorry I didn't notice your message, I was having a tutoring class. I hope you read this! And I will totally start voting on your book. Have a great day/night ♡

Hey, you seem to like anime by looking at your profile, so, do you maybe have any anime suggestions? I'm trying to watch some animes but can't seem to find some that I'm interested in.

@SleepForMyEyesLolNo it's alright! I didn't expect you to reply sooner, your welcome! But really I have to tell you. Fruits basket is my favourite anime, it's really adorable but there's ALOT of angst and trauma, but the main character is just an angel! I hope you watch it first since it's really good

Thank you so much! I'll watch as much as I can, sorry i couldn't reply sooner but again, thank you!!