
I'm 14 and I don't feel any older but anyways I can't believe all the reads I got on my book. Idk who 1d was until I started my book and I got my idea from a friend of mine and yeah so please share my story


Heyooo! I love oreos too  and im  your twin bdays! And specially im a UniPatata, Potato Unicorn. Hope you had a great day!


Lots of love <3


@-Astronaughty thanks and hey unicota (unicorn and potato)


I want Oreos now. Thank you for putting that in your bio. Also I'm a unicorn. 


@hannahisswag66 YAYYYY!!! I now have Oreos!!!!! And that was fast. How did you respond that fast? Are you like the flash? If you were that would be so cool. You could like run to Antarctica and like get me some ice to put in me drink so it can be cold. One time my brother choked on an ice cube. Sort of like a popsicle. My favourite popsicle is those rocket ones that are red, white, and blue.   Blue is such a nice color. Blue is the colour of the ocean. I almost drown in the ocean cause I was laughing too hard at a joke my brother made who was eating Oreos at the time. Also did I mention I'm a unicorn?