
Its ok! :) Yes I got your message, and I replied.. check it out?


@ChineseGirl50 Really? Then where did all the comments go? Did you delete them? And I never said you can't express your opinion. And what you commented was not expressing your opinion, it was stating that you don't like it when people talk bad about him. And FYI if you still haven't realized, me and HIM do NOT share a relationship like you and him do. WE ARE DIFFERENT. OR SHOULD I SAY RIVALS. Sorry if you feel I am hurting you, but you hurt me. And so I am re-acting this way. 


@ChineseGirl50 Plus, its not mean. Its expressing opinion.. or should i say expressing HATRED. You know I hate him, so dont try to stop me, cuz it will only make things worse. let me be! Dont you remember science? Biology test? You proved everything there... I told you not to, but you did right? You expressed your opinion (RATHER HIS OPINION) and I stopped you once. And then I dint say anything. Now its my turn. You stopped me once, that was enough. not twice or thrice. 


@ChineseGirl50 Its my opinion and I have rights to state it. I hate him, maybe you don't. Human Rights article 19: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. You support human rights, and i know that. It isnt mean...