Hey, everyone. This is dancinginsunlight. I'm currently locked out of my account and I'm not sure if I will be able to recover it. Unfortunately, I don't have the second book saved to my laptop. :/ until i can access it, I can't write it.
hey I just wanted to let you know that there is a person with that probably the first two chapters I think into German on their own account I didn't know if you knew that or not so just wanted to warn you. There user name is ..... Funky_Funky_15
Thank you! I think they might have been translating it for me, but I can’t remember. I know back in 2016 several people approached me and asked if they could translate it.
Hi, you are a talented writer, I saw your book mpls and while reading it I always think 'wow what a movie this would be'
Just keep writing your books and I'll keep loving em