I normally don't post or comment much at all, but I read your note on "happily ever after" and wanted to tell you that ultimately, you should do what makes you feel most comfortable.
I, too, have fanfic writing experience and I understand your struggle. As you grow older and mature as both a person and a writer, you outgrow your tastes and writing style. I've had a similar experience with a fic that had more readers than I expected who really enjoyed my story. I was proud of this fic at the time and was on a roll with my updates, only to stop because life took over. When things settled down, I had simply outgrown my fic. I tried to rewrite it to fit my new style but I just couldn't.
Sorry this is long, but I just wanted to let you know that as both a reader and writer, I understand and respect your decision. As for keeping it up or not, it all depends on how you feel about it and how comfortable you are with it. I wish you the best of luck in future endeavours be it in writing or your life outside the online sphere :)