
New chapter is up! Check it out? ♥


Thank you for the follow, beautiful! x 
          And girl you better have motivation! You know why? Because I think you're talented. :) Every writer starts out slow, but just give it time! I've gone through the whole; 'I think I should just give up writing because nobody is reading my books.' crisis. But I never did. And so many weeks later, when I updated a few chapters, reads started to flow in. So don't worry, you'll get reads! I promise. Feel free to message me if you want. <3 -Kay xx


No problem love! 
            I was talking about life in general with motivation, haha. Thank you very much! Oh, I know how that goes, I'll just stay positive. Tbh the number of reads are just a number, I just enjoy writing in general. It soothes me ♥ Thanks love!