
@LivenLifeUp PLEASE :D :D that would be awesome! Thank you! :)


An author I followed  just posted a message giving out to her followers for not reading her other work as well as her successful works, and said she was disappointed in her followers for it. Excuse me? That really bothers me because she should be grateful for her fans, she is hugely sucessful and that is entirely down to the people reading her book. So to be "disappointed" in them is so fucking rude and ungrateful that I am actually shocked. This is a site designed so that people can enjoy reading and out their own stuff out there. People like that on here just annoy me because they started out a handful of reds just like everyone else. And where do she think she'd be without people reading her sucessful stories? She needs to get down from her high horse and appreciate her fans. And frankly, I've read her book, it was good, no denying it, but it didn't even compare to a lot of other books I've read on here. Anyways I unfollowed her and will definitely not be reading any more of her stuff. Just don't be rude to your fans, like seriously you should treat everyone like you never expected to have them and appreciate them. Sorry, rant over :P


hi, just wanted to stop by and say tht i love your book The Fan Girl alot! you have to update it cuz i cant wait to know what happens next!!!!!!!!!


Thank you sososososo much! That means the world to me to hear (or see) you say that! :') I will try really hard to get a good chapter written soon for you! :)


Oh my god THANK YOU! You seriously made my entire week! :') tehehe maybe maybe..... ;) I can't wait to hear from you again!


hehe found your profile!  Searched for your other user and was like, WTF?  Did she take the wrong turn in this orange world and ended up somewhere else?  haha anyways, FOLLOWED YOU 'cuz you're awesome (insert A-OK finger emoji here) xD :)


@dani_theunicorn omfg I just saw this now. lol. Bro I'm so late. And totally! Lol we can do my math homework together.


Focker! :D Sorry I only this now! Yayy! Dude I'm actually obsessed with PTBBG! :o You guys should come and feast in the music room soon! xD