
Ahhh I’m back to posting new chapters for |Good For You|. Amy and Eli are back. I can’t wait to share my ideas for the part 3 storyline. Let’s have some fun. 


Just saw |Good For You| reach 50k reads and I’m completely blown away by all of the support. 
          When I first started writing this story I kept thinking “I don’t know if I can write a Hawk/Cobra Kai story” and seeing how far the story has come from the beginning has been amazing. I was looking back at the first few chapters a few nights ago and I was like “Amy and Eli have come a long way from their first encounter to how..” and yes, there’s still more to their story. 
          I will start posting new chapters starting this Friday and I can’t wait to share the ideas I have for the part three storyline and beyond. There’s going to be chapters even after Eli’s final scene in the show so it’s definitely exciting to be able to explore more when the time comes. 
          But I do just want to say thank you for all of the love and support for the story and it’s about to get a lot more fun when new chapters get posted. See you guys this Friday for the first part 3 chapter. Sending everyone much love. 


Hey everyone, I've started an outline for the part three storyline for Cobra Kai season six. I think it's looking pretty good so far and I can't wait to share all of my ideas. It makes me sad knowing that Amy and Eli's story is almost over but who knows.. maybe there'll be another Cobra Kai story coming soon. 
          Hoping to start posting new chapters next Friday.


@danielle_love27 I saw the finale
            It was so happy